Sunday, October 19, 2008

London Times

Once finished in Venice we travelled via Ryan Air to London. A very annoying LOUD hour long terravision bus ride and a short city bus ride later we were back at Brian and Christina's flat. Soaking wet from typical London rain, it was a sure sign our vacation was coming to an end. I think it was getting us seasoned for the Vancouver rainfall.

Our last couple days together were spent touring the sites of London. Like the earlier 2 weeks, we lucked out with the weather. Very little rain fell during our 3 days in London. We saw the many sites including St. Paul's Cathedral, The Tate Museum, London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, St. James and Hyde Park, and the Natural History Museum. On top of all of this, we still fit in time for pie and mash, with Liquor Sauce.

We were fortunate to celebrate Brian and Christina's 3 year anniversary by crashing it.
We shared a nice glass or 2 or 5 of Champagne with them. Way to go Kids!

Here is Mike with a guard outside the Clarence house where Prince William and Harry live.
Note the sharp hunting knife that sits on top of his machine gun.

Trafalgar Square.
Can you see Princess Anne? Darcie did!Buckingham Palace.

Crazy streets of London.

The "Inspection of the Guards" at the Parliament Buildings.

This guard kept sneeking peaks at Darcie. I told him to stop it.

Westminster Abbey.
Westminster Abbey where the Royal Family get married, have funerals etc.
Princess Diana's funeral was here.

Another street in London.

"Big Ben". The Clock.

A real live crazy man painted silver and acting as a statue. The pigeons loved him.

Mike and Darcie with London in the background at the top of the bell tower at St. Paul's Cathedral.Another view from St. Paul's Belltower.

Brian in the stairwell traveling to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral bell tower.

What an impressive view.

Mike being very naughty and taking a picture looking down from the top of the dome at St. Paul's Cathedral. This was just before him and Brian got in big trouble for taking pictures.

The Whispering Dome.
So after another 3 days of European Crazzyness, Darcie made the trek back home. Mike had the fortunate opportunity to go to Barcelona with Brian. Crazy times were to be had.

1 comment:

J.Manderson said...

I missed the London post!! good photos. lets go back together.